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Co-mingled food & green waste recycling – benefits to agriculture

Richard Todd

Collating headline numbers of the tonnage of food waste and green waste generated in England per annum is difficult. The best references that we can find are:

·       8.1million tonnes of green waste generated in England per annum (.gov states that the average household produces 288kg of green waste per annum and there are 28.2M households in England)

·       In 2020 half a million tonnes of food waste was separately collected

·       The UK produces over 5 million tonnes of food waste per annum, England accounts for 84% of this total.

Using the above as a guide, then the total size of combined food waste / green waste market is approximately 13 million tonnes per year.

Common sense to waste regulations requires councils to separately collect food waste from 2026. Though if authorities have long term disposal arrangements, the regulations are deferred until the current contacts end.

The separate collection of food wastes is proving to be a logistical challenge to authorities, both in terms of additional bins and also the duplication of collection rounds, as traditional bin trucks are not suitable to collect food waste. Therefore, there is a strong business case for food waste and green waste to be co-mingled for collection.

At Allium, we operate an In vessel Composting site, where we process co-mingled organic materials, to produce both PAS100 compost and CLO.

As a recycler of organic waste, we have always taken the push approach, making a quality compost that attracts a value, this reduces the tradition gate fee model:

·       PAS100 compost is sold on a nutrient value.

·       Compost provides a natural source of slow release nitrogen

·       Though an innovate project, we have demonstrated that fast release nitrogen can be released consistently from compost. Replicating chemical-based fertilisers.

·       FACTS – guidance provided inhouse to agricultural users on the application rates of compost

·       Improved soil structure

·       Agricultural ELMS scheme, requires farmers to improve soil health. The application of compost to land, acts as a conditioner and improves soil health.

·       Compost is predominantly Carbon. There is now the opportunity to generate Soil Carbon Credits from the application to land. Sequestering carbon to land

·       In house washing plant for the removal of plastic, glass and other contaminants.

·       End uses for all contaminants. 100% recycling

As a truly circular and sustainable business. Allium want to leave our corner of the planet in a better place than we found it.

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