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Consett Anaerobic Digestion Plant: Energy Investment

Richard Todd

After an intense couple of weeks of negotiation, we are now the new owners of an anaerobic digestion plant in Consett. True to our values, we have acted quickly to invest in this significantly underperforming asset - we see a real opportunity to reinvent and maximise the site over the coming months. We continue to strive to create green sustainable energy and the AD plant offers a great opportunity to develop our growing energy portfolio. 

Whilst the latest government energy statistics report shows that electrical generation from landfill gas still outstrips that from anaerobic digestion, the site offers us an opportunity to diversify our offer. The report also outlines that electrical generation from landfill gas has decreased by 7.4% whilst generation from AD has increased by 4%. Whilst 40 new AD plants have been commissioned in the last year, many are underperforming in both capacity and electrical output. As a business its important for us to consider ways to develop underperforming assets and we intend to fulfill the possibilities of this site.

Consett consists of an anaerobic digester, fed by 14,000 tonnes per annum of agricultural input of maize, whole crop and grass. The site produces a 1.2 mega watt electrical output and a 1.5 mega watt thermal output. The site, which has been operating since 2015 has a 5,500 cubic metre single digester system and automated operations. We are able to offer a private wire facility from the plant for both heat and power.


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