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"How to Successfully Restore and Revitalize a Landfill Site: The Blaydon Landfill Restoration Project

Richard Todd

Earlier this summer we were asked by the site owner to mobilise to complete the restoration of the Blaydon Quarry site.

Whilst there is still a significant tonnage of inert wastes to import to site to achieve the pre-settlement contours. By having an specialisation in this area, we have taken on the full package, including the liaison with the council, environment agency and all other stakeholders.

Once restoration levels have been achieved, soil amendments will be incorporated to ensure the final layers achieve a topsoil specification. Into this topsoil we will deliver a natural capital scheme, biodiversity and natural habitats for indigenous wildlife.

This will lead to a historical blighted site of over 100 areas being returned to nature for the benefit of the Gateshead and w

ider Newcastle area.

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